Sunday, December 26, 2010
New Aquisitions
All I wanted for christmas was cameras, and boy, did I get them. During my trip to Hannibal, Missouri, I picked up a Brownie twin 20 and shot a roll of Plus-x through it. Its another 620 camera that was easily modified to take a 120 spool. It also has a real old-fasioned flash bulb attachment that is so powerful, it will blind anything in the immediate area. My sister was kind enough to give me a new/used Nikon as well, a f-301/N2000 that is now the Corvette of my collection. It does everything and even has a flash. There's a group of cameras that are waiting in the wings to be purchased, and I just received some unlooked-for christmas cash, Soooo, I'll be picking up those cameras momentarily. Hooray for cameras! Especially ones that work!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Through the Breaking Ice
Through the breaking ice, we heard;
the laughter of saints,
a rumble of ghosts called to prayer
The breaking of everything,
should in turn
reflect something this beautiful
Argoflex E,
Kodak Plus-x 125,
long branch lake
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Like Powder in the Dawn
Like Powder in the Dawn on the slopes
of forever
the creases of care that you wore in me
are lasting
Like powder in the dawn on the slopes
of forever
my eyes drift up
and see
Brownie twin 20,
Kodak Plus-x 125
Monday, December 6, 2010
In our reflection, truly
we see all that we have been,
might be
would be
could be
should be
but often
we fail to see
the true essence of ourselves
shining through
Argoflex E,
autumn 2010,
home development,
rocky river,
tmax developer
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
wow, I've been lazy.
You know, I just noticed that I've been blogging here for some time, but I have been really lax about what I've been placing here....I have alot more stuff than I'm really sharing. Perhaps I should go back and dig through the files? Yes, lets.
the neighbors did
Sunday, November 28, 2010
midnight morning
sharp pin of wisdom
morning midnight
the empty lots beckon me into
and alleyways
with their height
stab the veil of nighttime
lifting it only briefly
for those with eyes to see
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Satan Will Rise
when you go on a walk about the city that you live in
you never know what warnings you'll find
wating in the park
or the restroom of the local bar
and don't forget
the scabies wall
digibase developer,
fuji provia 100,
Graffiti Art,
home development,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Argoflex E is alive and well
I recently have been searching for a cheap, reliable Medium Format camera on-line and in the local flea markets. I found the Argoflex E on Ebay for 12 Dollars. It was made in Detroit, Michigan USA in the latter 1940's. Its body is made of bakelite and it has a good reputation for clarity, sharpness and reliability. It was manufactured to accept 620 film, which is no longer manufactured, but due to great engineering foresight, the makers of the Argoflex decided it should also be able to accept 120 film, if the kodak product became a success. Fortunately, it did, and the camera accepts the larger 120mm rolls nicely.
I loaded a roll of 2-tmy (tmax 400) and walked the few miles down to the rocky river to give the Argoflex it's trial run. I am not a huge fan of the Tmax emulsion, and I have heard lots of horror stories about higher speed films in medium format being less than quality, but I have to say that I enjoyed the results of this roll. The Argoflex's shutter speed goes only to 200 and the f values on the lens are from 4.5 to 18. The overall sharpness of the lens is going to take some work on my end to achieve the full effect. The finder is rather dark, even in bright daylight, which makes it a bit of a pain to focus, but it looks VERY sharp in the finder, so I imagine that it will be VERY sharp also when I get the hang of it. I expected some overexposure and compensated in development for it, but I still came out with a few 'bad' frames.
Here are what I would consider to be the 3 best, I scanned them in, adjusted the levels in photoshop, though the thing produced very viable negatives with little adjustment. Since I was using the 'sunny 16' rule and not using a meter, I am even more impressed with the performance of this WWII era camera.
I loaded a roll of 2-tmy (tmax 400) and walked the few miles down to the rocky river to give the Argoflex it's trial run. I am not a huge fan of the Tmax emulsion, and I have heard lots of horror stories about higher speed films in medium format being less than quality, but I have to say that I enjoyed the results of this roll. The Argoflex's shutter speed goes only to 200 and the f values on the lens are from 4.5 to 18. The overall sharpness of the lens is going to take some work on my end to achieve the full effect. The finder is rather dark, even in bright daylight, which makes it a bit of a pain to focus, but it looks VERY sharp in the finder, so I imagine that it will be VERY sharp also when I get the hang of it. I expected some overexposure and compensated in development for it, but I still came out with a few 'bad' frames.
Here are what I would consider to be the 3 best, I scanned them in, adjusted the levels in photoshop, though the thing produced very viable negatives with little adjustment. Since I was using the 'sunny 16' rule and not using a meter, I am even more impressed with the performance of this WWII era camera.
620 film,
Argoflex E,
medium format,
tmax 400
Monday, November 15, 2010
Yashica Autofocus S and Kodak Tmax 100
Here is the Tmax 100 I shot with the yashica. I was complaining to stephanie that I needed another film body to carry around with me, for color film, and she arrived one day with this little beauty. At first, I was squeamish. I mean, point and shoot? Really? No control over exposure or focus? Its like a perverse little Holga-thing. But no. It has a little focus button that does pretty well. It also exposes nicely, and the lens on the tiny bugger isnt bad either. So, enough complaining. I shot this at 160EI and 200EI via the rotating exposure ring on the face of the camera. It seems do be damned accurate too. Whether in tribute to the machinery of Yashica, or in detriment to my skills as a photographer, this is my favorite roll of Tmax 100 so far. This particular tmax is about 11 years old having expired in 2000. I was quite pleased, I hope you are as well.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Kodak Technical Pan
Kodak technical pan film was an 'almost' panchromatic film, which means it responds to the whole spectrum of light. We don't have to worry about this much nowadays, because all black and white film is panchromatic. At one time, black and white film was Orthochromatic, meaning it responded very weakly to red spectrum.
In every photo forum I have visited, someone is there singing the praises of kodak tech pan film. It supposedly leans more to the red spectrum of light, simulating the application of a red filter to the lens, and darkening blues (sky) and lightens reds. I shot this roll at 200ASA, as reccomended. It is supposed to have a very wide exposure latitude, but the sharpness I got with my new Mamiya Sekor DTL1000 and sekor 55mm lens seems sufficient at 200EI...I might try 16EI with the next roll I come across to see if the claims about the film are true. All in all, it was a great test for the new/old camera and even though the film was expired at least 6 years ago, it performed nicely.
In every photo forum I have visited, someone is there singing the praises of kodak tech pan film. It supposedly leans more to the red spectrum of light, simulating the application of a red filter to the lens, and darkening blues (sky) and lightens reds. I shot this roll at 200ASA, as reccomended. It is supposed to have a very wide exposure latitude, but the sharpness I got with my new Mamiya Sekor DTL1000 and sekor 55mm lens seems sufficient at 200EI...I might try 16EI with the next roll I come across to see if the claims about the film are true. All in all, it was a great test for the new/old camera and even though the film was expired at least 6 years ago, it performed nicely.
Expired Film,
Kodak Technical Pan,
tmax developer
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cross-Processing with Fuji RHP 64T
Here are my first experiments in cross processing E-6 film in C-41 process. I used Rollei/Compard Digibase Chemicals for this development, and developed at standard times and temperatures. I enjoyed the effects, though, some of these shots have me completely baffled as to how they turned out sharp when the rest are grainy. Cross-processing is for me. Next, for bleach bypass, another weird process that leaves the silver on the color negative. I can't wait. I believe I shot this film at 100 or 200EI, seems a bit under-exposed.
Canon AE-1 program,
Cross Process,
fuji RHP 64T,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Blast from the past, Agfa 400 Expired 1986
To be honest, I really wanted to load these up one at a time, and write poems for each of them. They are good memories, and strong emotional images for me. I may do so, at some later date. This Agfapan film I picked up at Loomis Camera, a great place. The owner often sells highly expired films, and always comments that "the dust is free". There are many wonderful items there, enlargers, ancient cameras, accessories and lenses....but, I digress. This film is 400ISO shot at 1600EI, developed in Tmax developer. It did expire in 1986, and in retrospect, I should have shot it at box speed, and not pushed it at all...Live and Learn. The tones it produced at a 2 stop push were pretty nice, by my standards, and even though there is some 'underdevelopment' going on, or 'underexposure', none of the highlights are blocked up and there is still a pretty wide range of tonality, even if I sacrificed some sharpness. I'll never complain about expired film again after this. I'll just assume I screwed up somewhere and try to figure out where. :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Double Exposure Project (part 2)
Here is the second half of the project. There are lots of single images in the melee' that I chose to leave joined, rather than to separate. Derek did a better job of that in his blog. Again, I was taken by the singular appearance of some of the 'compositions' that looked as though they were planned. This was a great experiment, I can't wait to try it with color. I may go shoot the color photos today...:)
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