Monday, November 8, 2010

Blast from the past, Agfa 400 Expired 1986

To be honest, I really wanted to load these up one at a time, and write poems for each of them.  They are good memories, and strong emotional images for me.  I may do so, at some later date.  This Agfapan film I picked up at Loomis Camera, a great place.  The owner often sells highly expired films, and always comments that "the dust is free".  There are many wonderful items there, enlargers, ancient cameras, accessories and lenses....but, I digress.  This film is 400ISO shot at 1600EI, developed in Tmax developer.  It did expire in 1986, and in retrospect, I should have shot it at box speed, and not pushed it at all...Live and Learn.  The tones it produced at a 2 stop push were pretty nice, by my standards, and even though there is some 'underdevelopment' going on, or 'underexposure', none of the highlights are blocked up and there is still a pretty wide range of tonality, even if I sacrificed some sharpness.  I'll never complain about expired film again after this.  I'll just assume I screwed up somewhere and try to figure out where. :) 

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